Hello my dear brothers and sisters

Today, we have something new, or an old idea with some new stuff in it as you might say

We are going to make our own short stories in this topic by combining our ideas together
and sharing them with everyone

:This way of making stories could have many benefits such as
Adapting your ideas to the ones before you, making new idea out of no where as the events decide which way you are going to take the story

Let's see the rules, or how this works

Instructions and rules

You can participate by completing the previous parts and writing up to 5 sentences each time as a maximum or two as a minimum
nothing more than 5 or less than 2

Example 1
He ran away from the wolf << one sentence

Example 2
He said upon seeing his mother
"?Mother, how are you"
these two lines are one sentence

Don't write two comments in a row except when 24 hours pass on the last comment, then write the second comments

If two members wrote at the same time, we take the first one, and I will delete the second later

Be careful not to ruin the story by writing unexpected sudden turn of events which might not seem to fit in the story, as the type of the story should be considered

You can read this guide for more information on writing short stories
☆The Second Guide. The complete Guide to Writing Short Stories☆

The most important rule is, you must include the previous comment in your comments so when someone wants to read the story, they go to the last comment to read it all, not to every comment which can be troublesome and you should make your part in a different color

In an ancient time, there was a boy. His name was Ahmed. He grew up in a poor house

In an acient time, there was a boy. His name was Ahmed. He grew up in a poor house.
His father was a hardworking farmer who was raised in a family of farmers. His name was Asem

black fox

In an acient time, there was a boy. His name was Ahmed. He grew up in a poor house. His father was a hardworking farmer who was raised in a family of farmers. His name was Asem.
His mother, on the other hand, came from a rich family which abandoned her for marrying a poor farmer... etc
and so on
if you didn't do so, your comment will not be part of the story (will be deleted) and the next member can ignore it

Remember to pay attention to the tense of the story, as it should be the same, usually in the past simple tense
just follow the first sentences

The forum's general rules applies, and any comment that crosses the rules shall be deleted and the writer will be penalized

?When to start a new paragraph

Learning how to break your stories into paragraphs is confusing but an important job. New paragraphs are important for the reader. They tell when you're switching time, place, topic or speaker, and they help break the page up so it is not just a solid block of writing.l

There are a few standard times to make a new paragraph:l
When you start in on a new topic
When you skip to a new time
When you skip to a new place
When a new person begins to speak
When you want to produce a dramatic effect

We will try to make short stories
So, there is no need to learn how to divide the story into chapters which is important in long stories or novels
and not here