Peace upon you everyone

I read "the story of intelligence and guile " yesterday .I didn't know it before and I like the trick and how Kalthom was very cunning

And because I am very curious about the stories about famous saying and quotes

I 'll share one with you
that's story about famous Arabic saying "Maybe that was good"
The story about a king and his adviser
every time king was in trouble his consultant told him maybe that's good

Someday the king was cleaning his sword when he cut his finger
and the consultant visited the king to make sure he is good
,the consultant : "I'm sorry my king about your injury
Thank god for the accident , sure that's good for you "

the king:
" Are you crazy ???
how did you dare to tell me that's good that I cut my finger
Guards, take the consultant and put him in the jail"

while the guards was taking the consultant to the jail , he said maybe that's good for me

after that the king went in hunting journey and suddenly a tribe caught him
to make him as a sacrifice to their god
but when they found the injury at his finger
they released him

the king remembered when the consultant said " it's good for you "
and released him from the jail

the king: "now I know how that was good for me
but when I ordered to lock you up
how that was good for you ? "

the consultant: " if I was not in jail
I would be with you in the haunting journey
and the tribe might take me instead of you "

the king laughed and knew the value of that word .
the story in Arabic but I didn't translate it in english
I just read it and then write it in my way

لعله خيرا
يحكى ان ملكا كان لديه وزيرا حكيما ...
وكان هذاالوزير كلما المت مصيبة بالملك
يهون على ملكه ويقول له لعله خير يامولاي
فلا أحد يعرف ما هو مقدر له مما تحمله الايام لنا
فقد نراه شرا ويكون الخير فيه وقد نرى الخير في سبيل اخر فيكون الشر فيه

الى ان جاء يوم وضاق الملك ذرعا من كلمة وزيره (لعله خير )
حيث كان الملك ينظف سيفه واذا به يقطع اصبعامن أصابع يديه

فجاء وزيره يزوره ويطمئن عليه
وقال له لابأس عليك يا مولاي ولعله خير لك
فثار غضب الملك وقال له أمجنون انت أيها الوزير ؟
وأين الخير بأن تقطع اصبعي ؟
وامر بسجن وزيره
فقال الوزير والجنود يذهبون به الى السجن( لعله خير)

وبعد مدة كان الملك في رحلة صيد واذا بقبيلة بدائية تمسك بالملك
وتذهب به مكبلا الى حيث تقيم حيث أرادوا ان يقدموه قربانا لالهتهم
فاعدوا النار لكي يحرقوا هذاالملك
فكبلوه وأوثقوه واذ بهم يرون ان اصبعه مقطوعة ولا يصلح لئن يكون قربانا
فأطلقوا سراحه
وهو في طريق عودته عرف ان
قطع اصبعه كان خيرا له
وتذكر كلمة وزيره (لعله خير)
فعاد الى مملكته وأطلق سراح وزيره واعتذر منه
وحكى له ما جرى معه في رحلته وقال له
اما الخير الذي أصابني من قطع اصبعي فعرفته
فمالخير الذي أصابك من سجني لك ؟
فضحك الوزير وقال
لو لم تسجني يا مولاي لكنت معك في رحلتك هذه
ولأخذوني عوضا عنك قربانا
فضحك الملك وعرف قيمة هذه الكلمة
(لعله خير)

sorry if I made any mistake in spelling or grammar
sure that's my first time to write a story in English
so if anyone find any mistake or has any comment
I'll be happy to hear it ^^